My boyfriend cheated but I may like someone else??

So I really need advice. My relationship with my boyfriend has changed a lot since we had our baby. We’ve been together three years and I really didn’t think he’d change so much after having our baby boy. He basically turned into a polar opposite of what I need/want. I’m a great girlfriend. But he decided to cheat on me. Not once. But twice. He downloaded an app and was talking to nearly thirty women. He was calling one of the women babe and sending and receiving nudes from each other. It just makes me feel disgusting. Why am I not good enough? Is it because my body’s changed? I forgave him but anytime I try to express my feelings towards the situation he gets mad. So I left him for a week or two cause at this point I felt there was nothing left to save from our relationship. In that Time I downloaded tinder, not necessarily looking for anything but just trying to understand dating again since it’s been so long. I met this guy and he is so nice and we’ve really hit it off but my boyfriend and I decided to get back together. Now this other guy is super sweet and nice to me and I don’t receive this from my boyfriend so I’m really debated. And no I’m not cheating, the guy I met and I are just talking and getting to know each other as friends. My boyfriend knows and has my password so he can see everything. But like I just wish I had the balls to leave him and try and find someone I deserve. But I can’t. I just can’t bring myself to do it. What should I do??