Down Syndrome Test 1 in 50

I had my combined ultrasound and bloodwork test done and doctor said my chances are 1 in 50. I’m 38 years old, second child. I miscarried in the fall and was so worried about miscarrying again that I assumed this part would be OK. Also the baby’s nuchal tube measured only at 1.2 mm at 12 weeks so I thought we were in the clear. Obviously my blood results must have been concerning. I was sent for the NIPT genetic test and now have to wait two weeks. We’ll keep the baby either way, it’s our and if we are chose to the the one with a baby with DS, then that’s ok and I’ll love the baby. But of course I’m scared and so worried and was hoping for a different outcome. Does anyone have similar stories to share? Wouldn’t the nuchal fold/tube be much bigger if something was wrong?