10 week Appointment OB couldn’t find heartbeat on Doppler, not concerned


Anyone else have their first OB appointment at 10 weeks? My doctor looked for the heartbeat on Doppler, but couldn’t find it. She said it was too early, and often it can’t be found until 11-13 weeks. And since the ultrasound tech had mentioned my uterus tips back a bit, she said that would make it harder to find as well. She didn’t seem at all concerned.

I had a dating scan at 7 weeks, and heard the heartbeat then. I could opt to go to the bigger hospital downtown for a nuchal translucency scan, but I’m doing the NIPT testing, so I don’t think it’s really necessary. And by the time they schedule it out, I’d probably be 13 weeks.

I’m sure we’ll be able to hear on Doppler at my next normal 14 week appointment and all will be fine. But it’s s little nerve racking!