Mental health


Is there anyone on here suffering from mind block because of mental and having a hard time as I am. Stuck in the safest position before 6 weeks pregnant and experiencing a lot of abdominal pain?! Because it’s worrying me. I’m going to get an appointment at the gp next week when I arrive back home to sort things out.. just over the weekend until then il be really worried. Having these things tamper with my body and irritate me more than I’m agitated has had a huge impact on me and itsa huge bother. I just want this all to end so I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy. I don’t want to be scared to have this baby, this baby will be my second as I have a 9 year old who’s soon to be 10 in a few months time. I’m looking forward to the bond they have but this first trimester isn’t going so well.. I can have a smile on my face and be happy then something happens and my insides feel so depressed and sad and low.. my first pregnancy was good, I didn’t really have the sad there because he was always out with his friends and so forth but I had my family around to support me and have a laugh with. This one I’ve not yet told all my family as it’s still early in terms plus they may worry about my health and having a new baby come into the family, my new family father ( baby’s father) is always around me supporting me and taking great care of me and I know once baby is born il have no problem with aupport but im just worried... is this normal and dos anyone else experience similar things?.... feel free to message me