A bit long, but my story! (A few pictures 💛)


Starting at 35 weeks, I allowed my midwife to check my dilation. By the time I was 39 weeks, I was 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. The following Wednesday, I would have my next appointment 2 days after I was supposed to be due.

A day after my due date passed, I kept feeling like I was wet. I wasn't soaking anything, but I kept checking and feeling off about it. But, I honestly figured I was peeing myself as the weight of him on my bladder was impossible 🤷🏼‍♀️

(Exactly 24 hours before he made his arrival)

My husband works overnights and he left at about 9:45pm to make it to his 11pm shift. Awhile after he left, I sneezed and got up quickly to go to the bathroom. When I went to sit back down, I still felt wet. I walked into the bedroom where I felt the trickle and saw the puddle on the floor forming. I grabbed my phone and made it to the bathroom tub just in time for a gush. There was no doubt my water had broke and I couldn't help, but crack up laughing. A good mix of adrenaline, anxiety and excitement.

I called my husband, who had only been clocked in for 30mins, and told him to head on back since it was baby time! While he drove back, I packed the last minute things like our phone chargers and such. We spent almost an hour at home before we decide to make the 15 minute drive to the hospital.

I was admitted around 12:30am. The check my dilation and I was only 4cm dilated and 80% effaced. Labor was fine at first, but gradually got more and more painful. I walked the halls, then be bounced on the ball between contractions. I started getting dizzy and so, I laid down on the bed on my side. Any other position was horrible. Eventually I faced the back of the bed on my knees, holding the headrest.

Come to find out, my little one had turned his body around and I was now experiencing back labor. By 6am, my contractions were less than 2 mins apart and the pain was so much I started puking with everyone that came. Not going to lie, I was getting so exhausted that it felt like my eyes were crossing and I could almost just go to sleep.

I finally caved and asked for the epidural cause I knew I was putting myself and baby through too much stress. It felt super weird. Almost like they were blowing me up like a balloon animal.Even though I wish I could have gone 100% unmedicated, I definitely don't regret it. After I got it, I was able to take a nap which I was extremely grateful for later on. They checked me one final time at 11:30am, I was fully dilated and effaced, which meant time to get ready to push!

They turned off the epidural. The midwife slowly helped me stretch as to lower my chances of tearing and she had me gently push at every contraction, which I barely felt at first since I still had the epidural in my body. 12pm hit and my doctor came in to get the show on the road. My husband helped hold up one leg and my mom the other. They had me take 5 breaths, hold, chin down and push as hard as possible for a count of 10. My midwife said she could feel his cute little ears! A few more pushes and they could see his hair! They turned on the overhead lights and there was a mirror suddenly on the ceiling! I could see his head coming with each push! It was absolutely breathtaking!

At 12:26pm on April 17th, 2019, My little Felix Joseph was born. He was 8lbs 4oz and 20.5 inches long.

Holding my little boy in my arms was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced and I was ready to do it again right after!

🌻Video of us holding him for the first time🌻


And here he is at 10 weeks, 13lbs 14oz and 23.5 inches long 💛 He is such a happy boy and being a momma to him is the best thing ever.