Is it possible? Question for moms who give breastmilk AND formula

em • 🐥

So I have pretty much made up my mind on what I’m going to do when I go back to work. I’m a teacher and will be teaching a new grade level next year. I go back to work July 29th.

I had it in my head that I would pump before school, at lunch, and during my prep, but with the way my schedule is, it just seems like that will be difficult to do. I will have to go almost 5 hours between the start of school and lunch to pump. There isn’t anyone to cover my class earlier than that either.

There’s also the matter of my mental health. Pumping at every break seems... exhausting. In fact, once I wrapped my head around it, it seems downright terrible. So my plan is to wean my LO enough, so he is getting formula in the day and will nurse at home. Is this feasible? I don’t feel ready to stop nursing, it’s just that I need (and deserve) a break during the day to socialize with people who aren’t 11 and to get work done. Stopping nursing also sounds terrible... it’s gone perfectly and he gains beautifully off of my milk.

Any moms have experience with this? I don’t want my supply to completely disappear either! It’s such a catch 22...

EDIT: I’m also not looking for any encouragement to pump at work. I made up my mind and I am not going to do that. Just a forewarning.

Also, I have a small freezer stash of less than 40 oz and will continue to build that over the summer.