Anyone else feeling self conscious about the weight gain?


Hey guys! 13w5d here and a first time mom! I know this sounds crazy and my body is growing a little human so this is what it’s suppose to do but is anyone else super aware of the weight they are gaining? Some of it’s because of an offhanded comment by a family member “we’ll you can’t have a bump yet it’s too early.” 😩

I don’t know if it’s because before we got pregnant I was very focused on loosing weight and getting to my goal weight.. now I find myself worrying am I gaining too much weight?? What’s normal at 13 weeks? Am I not gaining enough? Should I be eating less/more? Should I have a baby bump yet? I have a bump and I feel like a good majority is bloat and the little bit of pudge from pre baby but I don’t know, it’s keeps bugging me. I included a photo of my bump - as of 12w and 13w2d.

12 Weeks

13 Weeks 2 Days