First Misscarriage

Lindsey • TTC #4 @ 42

Today I had my first misscarriage at 6 weeks. I am 37 and my husband and I decided to try for #3. We have 2 amazing boys. We want a little girl so bad.

I had my IUD removed April 2018. I finally got a + June 12th. I couldn't believe it. Then Tues june 25th I started bleeding and have alot of pain. The ER showed low HCG levels for 6 weeks and a sac that looked like 3 weeks. I knew to prepare myself.

Today was my first OB visit and confirmed my misscarriage. Nothing was visible on my scan. I knew going in this was possible. My first 2 pregnancies were unremarkable. I prayed to God for peace and to be content with whatever the outcome may be.

I am sad that this pregancy ended but I know it just was not Gods will. I pray that one day God will bless me with the gift of another child.

Any words of wisdom or encouragement are appreciated. I would love to hear of stories of success after a loss.