First Ultrasound put me back a week


We finally had our first ultrasound on Thursday and I was so so so excited to finally see my little one for the first time! Oh my god I cried all day lol

I was surprised at how the appointment went for several reasons though.. I don’t think I will be going back to that office.. (different, long story).

But they measured baby at 6weeks 4days when I was previously counting at 7weeks 5days from our (very certain) date of conception.. I was nervous that maybe baby was measuring small but the Nurse Practitioner didn’t really act like she had the patience or time to let me ask questions, she literally just said “Calm down, there’s a baby in there so there’s nothing to worry about” 🤦🏻‍♀️

Has anybody else been put back a week by your measurements?? I’m sure everything is fine since our heartbeat was healthy and everything else looked good, I just wish I could calm my nerves about every little thing..

Here’s the first time I’ve seen the love of my life.. god I love them so much already 😭❤️