Molar pregnancy


Hi all. I am in desperate need of opinions, experiences and advice. I am 6 weeks pregnant today. I had an ultrasound 2 days ago that showed a gestational sac and a yolk sac, however no fetal pole was detected. I have also been spotting since week 4 and the blood is mostly pinkish brown and only there when I wipe. In week 4 however it was bright red and that was actual bleeding. U/S ruled out an ectopic pregnancy and sub chorionic hemorrhage. My HCG has doubled to tripled every 2 days as it should and is not super high as usually seen in molars. My doctor is worried about a molar pregnancy so I have another U/S Monday and won’t get the results until Tuesday. Does anyone have experience with this? I’m doing my best not to stress but I’ve already had 2 MCs back to back and I don’t want to loose another.