10 minute naps....help?

Denise • Married - 35 - mom to a 3 year old girl & baby boy.

This week my 2 month old (10 weeks) started waking up 10 minutes after being put down for a nap. The only way I can get him to nap is if I lay down with him and nurse him to sleep. He can sleep up to 2 hours that way but he’s constantly nursing during those two hours. Anytime he wakes up he frantically roots around until he’s nursing again. Once I get up from the bed his awake within 10 minutes. I can’t keep this up. I’ve tried swaddling, not swaddling, putting him on his side, even laying on his belly, bouncie with vibration, the rock n play sleeper, his crib, and even the pack n play with no success. I get 10 minutes max. He takes meds for acid reflux & I even give him gas drops to see if that helps but nothing. Car rides help put him to sleep but he wakes up as soon as the car stops. He sleeps between 5 - 7 hours at night but naps are a struggle. I have a 3 year-old that also needs me and I feel like I’m going crazy. I can’t get anything done. I have even put him in the baby k’tan but I need to be constantly moving or he cries. Any suggestions?? At this point I will try almost anything.