On vacation and surrounded by babies and pregnant ladies...

So I’m on vacation in London visiting relatives and I’m starting to think maybe it was a bad idea. Don’t get me wrong I’m happy for each and every one of my cousins and relatives with babies and currently preggo but it’s killing me inside. And it doesn’t make it any better when I have to explain we are having difficulties. To make matters worse I found a pregnancy test wrapper in one of the bathrooms this morning and almost broke down.The cousin I’m staying with might or might not be pregnant and it will be her fifth if she is while I have no signs of even 1. I just feel alone and left out. Too many adorable babies I can’t take it anymore . 3 yrs trying now. 😩😔😔💔. Planning on doing <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> as soon as I’m able to. Just need prayers and positive vibes.