Is this spotting? 12 DPO and positive HPTs


I’m 12DPO today, also the day AF is due. I’ve had some minor cramping the last couple of days, but my FRER’s and Wondfo’s have been getting darker since I first tested positive on 10DPO. I also got a “pregnant” on clear blue digital this morning.

I had an early miscarriage in January at 4weeks, 5 days so even though this feels different than last time, I still have some headaches and this spotting (if you can call it that) is getting me a bit worried.

I also have thyroid issues - I had a TSH of 1.23 in mid May but I tested again yesterday and it was 1.83. My endocrinologist says it is in normal range but I’ve been hearing that 2 and under for thyroid during early pregnancy is ideal So I’m worried it’s starting to creep up and I don’t want it to get too high. I have Kaiser so it’s hard to get in for a HCG and progesterone blood test this early or to simply call in and talk to a doctor.

Any advice? Thanks!