I just don't know.

What do you do when you have depression and minor anxiety and can't drive to get away from the cause of it? I'm 17, almost 18, and I don't even have my permit yet. Because both my parents work I am unable to get a job myself or volunteer or even get out of the house. I have absolutely no friends or support group to speak of and I can't even go out and make one due to my inability. My relationship is also hurting because of my mental health. i just don't know what do anymore. I feel trapped in my own mind with no where to go or any way to relieve stress or tension. Taking walks ir working out just makes me realize how actually trapped I am. What do I do? Where do I go? I'm in therapy and so far and doesn't really do anything. I just don't know anymore. I feel like I'm falling behind in my age group. At this point I won't be able to even drive in college. I hate myself and can barely breathe. Why can't I just be like everyone else. Have my brain wired correctly and have friends, a job, just something to cling to. I have nothing now and there's no place for me to go. I love life. I know no one's going to read this I just needed to say this somewhere