Won’t drink w him ever again

I just need to vent. Last night my friends came up to celebrate with me, my friends bf had some drinks that didn’t sit well with him and he ended up vomiting a lot. I gave him water and sat him down and gave him some air. Meanwhile my actual friend is being mean to him and cussing at him telling him to “shut the fuck up” i don’t really know what to do?? It was getting to the point where i had to say man you’re being really mean stop. My friend was being SO mean to him and i was very surprised by it i wouldn’t let anyone get talked too the way he was talking to his bf. So my friend is being 100% ridiculous, lays on my brand new couch and starts making sounds as if he’s gonna vomit I’m asking him to get off my couch and he’s being a fucking idiot. I told him to get off my bed and use the trash can he doesn’t and throws up all over my bed. Then his bf tries to help him and he elbows his bf directly in the nose i was so concerned it was broken guys... i was so concerned and his bf started crying and i was just so shocked... I’m STILL really shocked with my friends behavior. Very shocked. I didn’t sleep much and no ones here to talk too so i came here