I’m so in love. I’m so thankful. 💖💖

Thank you for existing.

Thank you for being with me, growing inside of me.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me.

Thank you for changing my body in ways that only you can.

We are 15 weeks 4 days along & I fall in love all over again each passing day.

Thank you for teaching me a love I’ve never known.

Thank you for the bond that only you & I can share.

Yes I am your mother, you are my child but our connection goes so far beyond that.

We’ve not met in the flesh yet. But oh how our souls have intertwined creating a love, a bond so untouchable.

I’m excited for the day that I get to kiss on the most perfect face that matches your sweet, precious, little soul.

Thank you for needing me. I hope one day you can understand how much I need you.

You have such a purposeful life ahead of you. My life revolves around making sure you absorb every bit of it.

There is so much power behind the magic of it all. I take none of it for granted. The “symptoms” that remind me everyday that you are right here with me.

It’s true. I loved you before I carried you. Before t

he positive pregnancy test. Before I saw your heart flicker. Before I knew how stubborn you’d be when it came to dopplers and ultrasounds.

You carried my heart before I carried you.

Thank you for coming at a time that only you, your angel sibling & the creator knew would be best.

My forever love.

I meditate & speak with my unborn as much as I can. I have many moving thoughts & emotions that flow naturally every single time. I’m still new to the meditation lifestyle but I urge you to try it.

I hope my pic isn’t offensive to anyone. I just think a woman’s pregnant body is such a gorgeous thing.