My mom makes me feel horrible about myself....

All of my life my mom has been hard on me about my weight. For as long as i can remember, I hear her telling me I need to lose weight.

I remember when i was about 10, she “banned me” from wearing bikinis because i was “too chubby” .... So there was 10 year old me, trying to lose weight so my mother would let me wear a bikini to the pool again. I was probably about 9 in this picture. I had a little bit of baby fat but I never considered dieting at the age of 9/10.

It is a mother’s job to keep her children at a healthy weight, I agree. But she didn’t have to do it in such a way of tearing me down, comparing me to my very skinny friends, it was up to her to prepare me healthy meals, not make me feel bad.

Me in 6th grade. Still struggling to feel accepted by my moms standards. Comparing myself to all my friends wondering what I did wrong

Here’s me at about 14,now in my opinion I seemed at a good weight, but yet my mother was still on me everyday. I would skip meals often.

This is me now, at 18. I’m a waitress, so I’m active at work, I go to the gym. I don’t always eat the healthiest but I try to balance... And every time I see my mom, I have to be scolded about my Weight. She doesn’t call me beautiful like she does to my older sister, she tells me I need to lose weight before I try ttc because I’m too overweight, she tells me I’m gonna get diabetes Etc. people tell me she’s just looking out for me but I won’t buy it, she makes me feel horrible about myself because every time I see her I get asked about my weight, if I lost any or plan to. It really upsets me that I feel like I’m the less superior daughter because of weight and that I’ll never make my mother proud unless I’m skinny. She makes comments like “you would be so much prettier if you were skinny” I’m losing my mind....

Thanks to anyone who read this, I really needed to get it off my chest :(