Soon To Be Homeless/ I Deserved the Abuse?

To make a long story short. I’m about to be homeless soon...I just know it. I live with my parents and they have been relatively good parents when it came to buying me things. Yet where they fall short is the lack of skills to communicate. I’ve been thrown in the middle of their adult problems within the family....I’ve be disciplined before but in two accounts my mother hit me. I’m black it’s common in the SOME black households.

The last time I was beaten. I had a bloody nose, and had an issue with my eye site the next day where I had to squint and keep my head down out of the sunlight to be able to see. The situation got brought up again (i brought it up) after explaining to my parents I didn’t agree with the verbal treatment I was receiving. (Same as last time).

My mother told me that she wouldn’t have hit me if I didn’t deserve it. I’ve been disciplined before but she full in attacked me. What she believed I deserved the beating for was because I talked back and believed I jumped at her but that’s further from the truth. I’ve tried since high school to develop good communication skills with them but when I vocalize my opinion (polite and normal toned voice) I’m disrespectful.

I spoke out against the toxic relationship and the habits and get chewed out, mocked or hit. I’ve been to the counselor they told me I have anxiety and ptsd from the incident. I try to openly tell them I was thinking of getting medication (not blaming them) but they mock me for thinking “white” and how I’m brainwashed for going to a counselor. They think that I think I’m better than them because I have a degree but I never act that way of said it. Now I know I’m not perfect and acknowledge my attitudes and my faults and apologize for them. They refuse to acknowledge and apologize and therefore I need to leave because I can’t accept them for who they are.

Now idk what to do. I don’t wanna stay here. I have no car, no money and believe they will kick me out. I can stay with a friend but for how long? I’ve tried all that I could. I just can’t believe this is their norm..,

Please, any advice would help. Anything! I really need help. I’m honestly scared that I’ll get hurt.