The most fucked up thing I’ve done

I had a guy I was dating and then I found out he was married with a son. I found out while I was at his house, and he had temporarily left to “get something from the store.” )I don’t even know if that’s true.) He told me he lived with his aunt and little cousin. I thought that’s what explained the child’s things and woman’s things I’d sometimes see. Anywho I was laying in his bed and decided to look on his social media page. He’s an artist (singer/songwriter) with a lot of following and he’s associated w/ a lot of big names (not saying his name) so the only reason why I was on it was because I’d never seen his Facebook page, only his Instagram. I just wanted to look and see his new music, photos of him, etc. We were also going to do a voice acting thing so I wanted to look more into it on his pages. Well I come across this picture and it’s a photo of a little boy. I thought “damn that looks like him”. The caption said “(his name) Jr.” So at first I thought it was his cousin but at the “Jr.” part I got confused. Some people who know him had commented on the picture saying, “he looks just like his daddy (his name)” and “he’s looking up to you” etc. So of course I get on edge. I then start looking through his personal Facebook page, (not the artist page) and lo and behold I notice one woman who’s like in every tag. Even on his music videos. She’s apparently the one who shot most of them (via the credit section.) So I go to her personal FB, and yep it’s his wife. They’re in photos kissing, there’s photos of their house I was CURRENTLY in, there’s pics of their son, everything. My head is spinning like wtf? I had just spent Valentine’s Day with this man, been on tour with him the past summer, and been sexually active with him since 3 months prior to the day, most times at this house and had been hanging with him and his best friend at his best friend’s mansion (who I found out also- of course- knows he has a wife). Not to mention just countless times we’d spent together doing other things. He told me his “aunt” and “cousin” were out of town. Well they were out of town. Except they didn’t go as far as he said and they were really his wife and son.

So I’m livid. And I knew I was getting my ass up and going home. But first I decided to somehow let her know.

So I left my bra in her child’s laundry basket.

Yep, left the bra in the child’s basket.

Where the child would find it.

Not because I was mad at the child or the wife themselves obviously, it was just because I knew if he found it he’d bring it to his mom, or if she gets to his laundry basket first she’d see it when she does his wash.

And that way the guy I was dating wouldn’t be able to find it in their (his wife and his’) room and try to stash it or throw it away after I left. I always wondered why he’d clean up so damn thoroughly after I left. He told me his “aunt” liked a clean house..right. 🙄

So after I got home and had been ignoring his texts asking me why I had left, I just sat back and watched the fireworks via social media. She went all postal about it on Facebook. Posting rants, subliminal quotes, etc. He contacted me and asked me did I leave a bra over there. I said “yes 🙃”. He then said that his “aunt” threw it away and that she was pissed about him having people over so we’d have to find another spot to chill. I told him everything I knew and just fucking blocked him.

I feel kinda bad just because I think the kid might have possibly seen it but still, I didn’t know where else to put it where he (the guy I was dating) wouldn’t find it himself first and I wasn’t thinking yep. Plus I was very young dating this way older man. Which perhaps should’ve been the first red flag but I didn’t really know better.

🤷🏼‍♀️ Look I involved that mf because I wasn’t thinking straight like I said. In that moment I really wasn’t realizing how it’d be a bad idea.

Too late now 😂.

More like he was hurt by his father 😉😂