Choosing to be hopeful

Cindy • Mother to a special needs infant! after TTC with husband for 13 years, no previous live births. Too poor for scientific assistance or adoption and too crazy for foster or international adoption.

I expected my period on June 27th. I have been doing opk tests for 33 days in a row with no positive. I was really nauseous yesterday and realized this morning that my period hasn't started. I took a hpt in the morning just to remind myself that I am not pregnant but there was a line. I did another at noon.

Called my doctor and went in for bloodwork already. It was positive and because of my history 13 years trying with no live births, and that I am B- and my husband is AB+ she decided to give me the RhoGAM shot today. We will have levels and antibodies results tomorrow and I am choosing to be hopeful but after 16 losses, reality is cramping my style.