3 week old cuddler, won't let me put him down

Jené • 23 years old married, mommy to a beautiful daughter 12-22-13 and handsome son 9-8-15.💜💙
Now my son just turned 3 weeks today. Now I love me some baby cuddles just as much as any mom, but it's hard when you have a two year old (almost) and a messy house to clean. I breastfeed as I did with my first but this little boy the last week has wanted nothing but my boob in his mouth and cuddles. I can't lay him down for naps anymore cause he only stays asleep for 5 minutes and night time he ends up in bed with me my husband and our daughter (thank you to whoever invented the king size bed!) because he fights and fights and fights sleep.. An staying up till 1-2 in the morning fighting with him and then getting up at 7-8 with my daughter was to exhusting for me. Any advice on how I can get him to nap and sleep in his crib again like he did the first week and a half he came home? I can't do the cry it out method it breaks my heart, to hear him get super upset. Thank you in advance! Any advice would be helpful.