Night time sleep...

I know that baby’s go through growth spurts and leaps and that a lot of them don’t sleep through the night until later on.... but I feel like my sons night time sleep is progressively getting worse. He was consistently doing a 6-8 hour stretch when we’d put him down around 8pm, he would nurse around 3am then sleep until about 5am and then I’d usually be able to nurse him again and he’d sleep til about 6:30 or 7.

For the past week or two the maximum amount of time he’ll sleep for the first stretch is 5hrs but usually only 3-4...and then each night has been a little different in terms of how often he wakes after that. The other night he was up every hour or two after 1am 😫 and then he wakes at 5am and it’s impossible to nurse him back to sleep after that. He just wants to play. I thought we were done with leap 3 but his sleep has not gone back to what it was and I’m getting worried that this is our new norm 😞

Anyone experiencing anything similar?

Our days and general routine haven’t changed..he takes one 2hr nap during the day and then a couple more shorter ones. He always goes to bed between 7:30 and 8pm. He’s almost 12 weeks old (13in wonder weeks).