Fourth miscarriage

cclc • Married 6/13/15. Baby boy 4/30/16 😇 June 2018 😇 October 2018 😇 November 2018. Diagnosed with MTHFR and Factor 13. Expecting our 🌈 in 2/20/20 👶🏻Currently on progesterone and blood thinner injections

I just don’t get what is happening to me. April 2016 I gave birth to my son, Michael. He’s as healthy as can be. He was easy to conceive and it was a smooth pregnancy. I did bleed out during emergency c section but everything else went smoothly. We began trying for our second when he turned 2. I got pregnant right after stopping my birth control. I was 6.5 weeks and began spotting. I found out I had a blighted ovum and miscarried naturally a week later. I got pregnant three months later and had a chemical pregnancy. I was only pregnant two days. I tried right after and we got pregnant a third time. This time the doctor watched my hcg and gave me an early reassurance scan. Hcg was beautiful and doubling. But on the ultrasound at 5 weeks I had no sign of pregnancy. I had a miscarriage a week later. I waited six months and had some tests ran. Turns out I had the mthfr mutation and I was homozygous for factor 13 a clotting disorder. They ordered me to be on baby aspirin, folate and extra folate, progesterone and my hematologist insisted I started thinner injections the second I receive a positive pregnancy test. I got pregnant June 8th. Called my ob. She refused to put me on thinners until I had a pregnancy with a heartbeat. :( I went in for an early scan at 6 weeks. There was a baby! My husband and I were in tears. So happy. A day later I began to spot. It stopped after a day. I thought it was just one of those things. A week later (7 weeks) I’m passing tissue pieces in my urine, cramping and spotting. I’m miscarrying our baby. This was the first time since our son we actually developed a baby. We thought this time was going to be different. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. :( I’ll be asking for a referral to a specialist today after this miscarriage is confirmed. My heart hurts. Sorry for such a long post.