So last night my girl friends and I were smoking in her bathtub and we hotboxed her bathroom. Now I’m the kind of high person that’s like crazy and funny and weird. One of the other girls just slept right after we finished. Btw all we smoked was shake (the ending/little unwanted bits like crumbs off bread) and the dealer is super sweet he said the weed was “ass booty garbage” but it was GOOD. He gave us 3 whole grams for $10!! I was sus that maybe it was a bad batch but it wasn’t.

After we smoked we started eating coco puffs (bad idea) and it was like the box was just refilling itself all night!! It was crazy.

Later on my friend goes “how do people like make music and capture the sound” and I said “they put it in a jar like sound is a solid and a gas bc it travels through the air”. 😂

(I wish we could post videos on this I have so many funny ones 😂😂)

Also before we went to sleep we were sitting in the dark in her theater room and like all the lights were off but in the spots where the lights were looked like they were glowing in the dark!! We thought we had “thermal vision” and we started freaking out about it 😂