2 Month Bedtime?

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

What is everyone’s bedtimes like these days? Son was born late April so he’s only 2mos so far (10 weeks). And I’m trying to figure out if I’m trying to put him to bed too late, resulting in an overtired baby. Or trying to put him to bed too soon and missing a last nap and his bedtime should be later, resulting in an overtired baby.

Also, I have an almost 2 year old who has her own routines and bedtimes I must stick by. So I’m trying to figure out his bedtime based around my daughters too that can’t be altered. It’s hard!!

Her bedtime is 8pm. If it’s a bath night I take her up at 730. If it’s not bath night I take her up at 745 to get ready for bed. My poor daughter, now she has to listen to her brother screaming through her bedtime routine. I rush through it to get her to bed so then I can take care of him. 😕 I’m hoping as he gets a little older he’ll be content while I get her to bed. I feel bad for her now.

So what I’ve been doing now is baby wear in the evening during dinner which sucks and its extremely uncomfortable all the way till about 715pm from 530pm. This way I’m able to throw dinner together, eat with my daughter and play with her some before bed all while my son sleeps on me. So then I try to wake him up right before I have to take her up so he’s changed and fed and well rested before I have to take care of her. (Like triage 😂 someone explained 2 kids like that. Truth!!)

But anyway he starts to fall apart while I’m rocking her with bedtime story and I feel so bad for both of them. He’s upset crying. She gets upset from him crying and starts crying. I don’t know what to do. It’s a mess. So anyway by then it’s about 800-815. So he’s been up about an hour.

There’s where my question lies. Do I try to put him to bed right after. That seems so early for 2mos old. I’m afraid he’ll be up for the day at 4/5am then. Ideally I’d like him to be up 7/8am. My daughter gets up about 8.

So last night I tried to take him up to bed at 9. Thinking that’s a reasonable time. Not too early not too late. It was 12am prior. But over the last few weeks I’ve been bumping it up. So he was fussy and screaming till about 9. Which is what he does every night. (Is he just tired and wants to go to bed? Or just the normal witching hour crap).

He didn’t fall asleep till 1030pm!!!! Awake for 3hrs 😩😩😩 kept fighting it. Crying, half asleep, awake crying, half asleep. Literally for 1.5hrs... it was awful. I kept trying to nurse him. Then he’d fuss and cry.

So should I just try to get him to take another “cat nap” right after my daughter goes to bed. Or just work on getting him right to bed after her. I just worry if I do a cat nap he’ll go to BED bed super late. As will I and I have to be up with my daughter so I feel like him and I both miss out on good night sleep. Seems like even when I tried 9pm it was an epic fail. So should I try his bedtime routine starting at 8pm right after my daughter??

Sorry so long. I just don’t know what to do. I’m trying to do what’s best for both of them but also adhering to my daughters schedule and not wanting my son to get overtired and hoping to get all of us in the house optimal sleep 🙌🏼

Sooooo long story short what do all your bedtimes look like these days for 2mos old (bonus points if you have 2 kids you gotta get to bed, extra credit if they’re this close in age 😩)