i need words


last night i went out with my friends and long story short got way too drunk and went home with a guy

and long story short i told him i did not want to have sex and he made me have anal instead and i was not into it

i am not worried about pressing charges or anything and that is my decision but i would really appreciate some love or words of wisdom from other women

i also dont know him and that isout of my character to do

my stomach/ kind if uterus area is in a lot of pain and obviously my bum is as well. Is the uterus/tummy pain a symptom of too deep penetration? I am active in my sex life but not in sex if that makes sense. My body is not accustomed to having sex and it was certainly not prepared for anal.

I feel like the preparation of my body was also not good due to drunken state and not wanting to do it.

He did not use a condom and I am a worry wart and stressing over all the possible issues with unprotected anal sex.

Having some pains in my body but hoping its just stress and exhaustion.

All kind and encouraging words or personal experiences are needed and helpful. Im in a fragile state please be kind, as women I hope yall respect my hurt and do not slut shame me. I understand and acknowledge all of my mistakes in this and regret my decisions from last night. But my regret and shame does not take away what I did and now I need words to help me deal with this please