Choose ye this day!

Lededra D • Hey, I am 26 years of age. Me and my better half have being trying to Concieve for 6 years. Hopefully we'll be able to get our little blessing.

Choice.. Something we all have difficulty making from day to day. We struggle with this concerning reactions, food, movies/shows, and careers;etc. But, in spite of all of that, the most important decision we will have to make is the choice of serving Jesus or Satan. What many fail to realize is if you have yet to accept Jesus then you've already chosen Satan and is serving him. Many will argue "No the heck I'm not!". But anything that is not of faith in Christ is sin. So, no matter how morally good a person is, if they haven't begin to serve Jesus; their morally good actions is of no effect. In other words it doesn't count. So ask yourself, who have you chosen? Do you operate in faith to Jesus, or in sin? Choose ye this day!