Blocked tubes


I was so excited to find out I was pregnant in April at the age of 40. Unfortunately that pregnancy was ectopic. It was a very scary situation; however, I was lucky in that I did not have any surgery or medications and my body was able to do what was needed on its own. Since then I have had a HSG and learned that one tube was blocked completely and one tube only allowed a pinhole size of dye to come out, meaning the blockage was also pretty bad. I also have a fibroid tumor pushing on my uterus. I have done all of the necessary fertility tests and my levels are all really good and on the higher side for my age. My best option is <a href="">IVF</a> because of the blockage and so that is what my husband and I intend to move forward with. The plan incorporates shaving down the fibroid tumor at some point through the process prior to transfer of eggs to the uterus. I am supposed to call on the first day of my period. The problem is I am 6 days late. That is unusual for me. I have taken several pregnancy tests that are all negative. I have had one day with a very light brownish color only when I wipe. Against better judgement my husband and I did have unprotected sex two times since the Fallopian tubes diagnosis. I am concerned I might be pregnant and it could be another ectopic. Even if not ectopic, that I have a fibroid pressing on my uterus that needed to be shaved down. Even though i desperately want to be pregnant, I feel like this will not end up good and will only prolong being able to start <a href="">IVF</a>. I feel like I messed up. I guess I just need to find out what is going on and if I am actually pregnant.