Parenting newborn after loss?

Hi Glow Community,

Unsure if this is the right area to post this in - I’ve just had this app recommended to me.

I’m at home with my six day old baby girl. Our first baby we lost to complications (PROM) mid-trimester. It’s felt like a long and scary road to get to having a healthy baby, but we’re here. We’ve made it.

I’ve been caught off guard by the strength of the anxiety that has hit me these past few days. In short, I’m freaking out. We lost a bit too much weight in hospital, so we’ve been given a feeding schedule with expressing after each feed, and I feel like that’s undermined any tiny pieces of confidence I had.

I’m surrounded by so much support, I’m very lucky in that regard. But these feelings of anxiety are dominating me. And guidance of “it will get easier” I am appreciating, but it’s also not helping with the minute-by-minute right now.

Has anyone experienced this? Can anyone offer any soothing advice?