How do you TTC?

Sassy • Mom to a daughter in heaven and a 15 month old rainbow boy
How do you start your journey in trying to conceive?
A question that i see a lot!
An average menstrual cycle takes about 28 days. The first day being the start of your period and the 28th the next period. Most of the time ovulation falls right in between on day 14, but this can be different in each woman. You can regonize ovulation by a change in your cervical mucus. During those days it changes transparent and is very stretchy. That is what they call peak fertility. Which means the ideal moment to conceive.
People who have different cycles / longer cycles tend to feel lost in this journey, in wich I recommend that you try with ovulation tests! (Usage description comes with it) so that can get to know your body and peak fertility
The highest chance in conceiving is when you know your cycle and ovulation day. In other words, your fertile window. You fertile window is about 5 days . (Ex day 10 to 14 average) use those 5 days to the maximum in trying to conceive.
Why? Each man is different. And therefore his sperm is different. If the sperm is slow , then conceiving on the exact day of ovulation will be near impossible. Chances are highest when going by this method! Also, a womans ovulation day can always vary by a day or two. And by doing this will have outsmarted that little egg ;-).
TTC averages takes up to a year so patience is key. Keep your calm. Enjoy making love to your partner.
Now that you know that a cycle takes 28 days and it is split in two halfs of 14 days. You see the phase before ovulation ( follicular) and the phase after ovulation ( lutheal)
If your lutheal phase is shorter then 11 days I would suggest to go to a gyn. Since that egg really needs 11 days to make it to your womb and get comfy in there. Any shorter will result in your body having difficulty in keeping a pregnancy. But modern medical science can help you with that! 
You'll get there ladies! I have faith in you.