Need help/advice


Don’t need any bashing or hateful comments just advice on the best option as I’m in a really tough spot. I’m currently pregnant and one of my cats started peeing and pooping around the house. I’ve been to the vet, they sent me home with meds twice and it’s still happening. Now I caught my other doing the same thing. Getting rid of them is the last thing i wanted to do but it’s to the point where they’re just stressing me out now. They pee and poop in my room constantly and I’m not supposed to be near cat feces or urine as I’m pregnant and I’m already worried I’ve hurt my baby. It’s not even my house. It’s my parents and my mom and I have cleaned and sprayed over and over, nothing works. I feel as though the best option for me is to get them to a better fitting home especially since I’m going to school full time and working part time on top of being pregnant. But I just feel like crap thinking that way. :( Sorry this is long but any input is appreciated