I know I’m probably overreacting


And I know I’ve been complaining a lot on here

I keep being told to just go with the flow, new babies make people act stupid.

But I’m just frustrated

My grandmother was told I was being induced but was also told not to tell anyone

She decided to tell my aunt, who I currently am not a fan of and don’t really want anything to do with, who then began trying to message me.

I was going to call my grandma myself to remind her not to tell anyone else, but my mom decided to do it instead. (I called my mom because I thought my mom told my aunt) she said if I said something, her feelings would probably get hurt.

I don’t know exactly what was said from my mom to my grandma, but my grandma decided when my son was born and I was inviting people to the hospital that she was not coming.

She told my grandpa to tell me that she wasn’t feeling well, but when my son came home she would come and visit.

I specifically told my grandfather, that if she is not feeling well, she will not be allowed over my house for two weeks to see my newborn son and I was not risking letting him get sick.

Next thing I know, my son finally comes home, and I hear a knock on my door.

It’s my grandmother and grandfather and little cousin, who came over unannounced so my grandma can see my son.

I told her since she was not feeling good I didn’t want her close to him, but she could look.

And she was decent about it.

But i just am in awe of the complete disregard to anything I say

And I honestly don’t think I’m being that unreasonable