Mum & step dad

My mum & step dad were married for 17 years. They broke up around January, the main cause well so we found out later was that him and his half sister who came from overseas developed ‘feelings’ for each other which is truly disguisting but anyways. In the beginning mum wasn’t sure it was more a ‘theory’ so around that time I felt was the best time to come clean about him molesting me.

He molested me from the age of 12 until 20 years old, he would come while I’m sleeping and touch me. My mum went hysterical when I told her and went off at him. Shortly after he managed to admit to my mother not only about molesting me but he also admitted the feelings him & his sister developed for each other and that they also ‘kissed’ and stuff.

It really hurt me deeply when I found my mum would still be talking to him & say it’s for the ‘kids’ but I mean sending him a plate of food you made or a post from Facebook is not ‘for the kids’. We fought numerous times about this and i told her how shit it makes me feel.

I understand that in such a short amount of time to hear so much about a man you loved and devoted ur life too it’s hard to get over but I mean he molested your daughter !!! And then left you for his sister???

Me & my mum became closer than ever since they broke up so it’s hard to say move out or distance yourself from her because she is my mother and she’s the main person I have in my life. How do I tell her to stop already and push him away ? As if what his done to me wasn’t an enough reason.

A few months ago he invited himself for dinner and she said to him if you admit what you did to your other sis she will let him come as they think my mum is lying and he refused. She said after that she will never try again and then tonight he asked her if he could come over for coffee and she calls me while I’m at work and says what do you think I should do call him over and get some gossip?

I told my mum that it was her decision to make not mine and that she shouldn’t lower herself just to get some ‘gossip’ from him so I found out she did call him over and I’m just tired of this I feel like if a man did this to my daughter I would murder him with my own hands yet my mother does this? I feel betrayed .