what did he do?

okay so my last relationship i had my bf and i had hung out the day before. that night he texted me once we got back home and we talked. he told me he really wanted todo something but we couldn’t with everyone around. the next day i was going back over, and he told me he wanted to finger me. i was a virgin and never done more than kiss so i didn’t know what todo and i just said maybe. the next days comes around and we’re in the car. me and him was in the backseat and he laid his body across my lap and touched my leg. i didn’t think anything about it. then, he started rubbing his hand up my leg, and into my shorts. before i could react he was all the way up into my underwear and he’d pulled them off my vagina and started to stick his finger in me. i freaked out and grabbed his wrist and held his hand still and he wiggled his hand and started doing it again, then i pushed his hand out of my underwear and to the end of my shorts and he took his hand and put it back in my underwear and started to try again. i pulled his hand back out of my shorts and held his hand out time. finally that caused him to look at me and when it did i shook my head no and i was crying. i wanted to say no so bad but as soon as he started it’s like i froze and couldn’t talk and i just started crying and felt sick. everything was spinning like i was gonna pass out. my question is, do you think he done something wrong? if so what would you call it? i know it’s not okay but not sure what’d it’d be considered. // we aren’t together now. just to clear that up. he cheated on me so i ended it.