How I got pregnant AI


How I got pregnant on the first try with one donation.

I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while, I’m not a doctor, I don’t have a magic secret or anything but if any of this information could help someone it’s worth writing.

Myself and my partner decided we wanted a baby at Christmas however due to travel plans decided to start trying at the end of April this year. That gave us 4 months to get my body to the best condition it could be to conceive so we were lucky in that respect. The below information is EVERYTHING we did, I won’t lie, it was a pain in the ass!! But I’m now 12 weeks pregnant with our little peanut ❤️

Supplements: I took 6 different supplements on a daily basis 3 months before trying to conceive.

Inositol: helps with cervical mucus production, not just in quantity but in quality which means you’ll get more of the super fertile stuff. Downside, you will most likely have sniffles for the duration of taking it as sadly it doesn’t just give you more downstairs mucus it gives you more upstairs mucus too.

Proceive: Tops up all your key vitamins and minerals that your body needs to get pregnant, downside, it’s expensive and has mixed reviews. I basically took it because I didn’t want to be taking all of those minerals separately.

Raspberry leaf: softens up your cervix so the spermies can get in easier, downside, none. It’s cheap quick easy and worth a try!

Folic acid: daily small amounts three months before you start trying because that’s how long it takes to build up your reserves. That way when you do get pregnant there’s pleantly there already for baby. No downside.

Lion heart omega 3: I chose this brand because they are a high quality omega, omegas have been proven to increase fertility and are then super important when you are pregnant to support that bubbas brain development. Downside, these ones are a bit expensive however they are really good quality so it makes a difference.

Biocare multivitamin: These are the godmommy of the multivitamin world. They are incredible quality, natural and packed with everything you need to support mum and baby. I wish I had taken these instead of proceive however I’d already bought them so took them together.

Diet and exercise

I changed my diet to a lower carb higher (healthy fat) plan. I’ve inserted a picture of the kind of stuff I was eating. Eating more fat apparently makes for a happy environment for a bubba to stick!

I went to the gym 4 times a week for the 3 months before we conceived, I don’t know if that would have had an effect as it’s my normal routine but worth mentioning.


I had acupuncture for fertility twice a week for 5 weeks leading up to our first try, followed by one session on the day of donation and one session two days after.

I saw a chiropractor who adjusted my spine and pelvis to ensure everything was in the right position for conception to happen. Chiropractic adjustments also effect the nervous system and can optimise overall well-being and harmony in the body.

The donation

We decided to try when we got back from a trip to South Africa. I’ve always had a 28 day cycle and ovulated on the same day every month (I was tracking for 6 months because we tried) however of course my body decided to bring AF the month before 3 days early! This meant the day we landed was the day I would ovulate.

Fast forward to that day, we land at Heathrow, email the donor asking him for a rough time of arrival. Get home clean the house (because that mattered?!?) and patiently wait... We got back from the airport at 8am, he arrived at 10. AMAZING!

He did his thing, let the sperm liquify and the pulled it into the syringe.

We decided from the beginning to do this the super medical way, my partner is a doctor so we bought the full kit, speculum and all and she had examined me the month before so we knew the position of my cervix and how we would accuratelydeliver the sperm to where it needed to go.

Speculum in, tube attached to the syringe and there we go, I laid on the sofa for 1.5 hours with my pelvis tilted 30 degrees (which is apparently optimum). There was no orgasm because we were both so far past it by that point. When the time was up I put a pad in my knickers and then we had a nap.

During 2WW I carried on with the supplements until I found out I was pregnant. Now I only take the omegas, the multivitamin and the folic acid.

I’ve attached pictures and screen shots of everything I have. I really hope this post was helpful for at least one person. Any questions, I’m more than happy to answer! 😘