What do you consider "mild" cramps?


I'm DPO 13 and I have 35 day cycles. If I'm not pregnant, I'd be getting my period today or tomorrow. I only cramp about half the time before my period starts, but it's usually pretty bad when I do.

I've been reading up on how you might be able to identify if they're implantation cramps or PMS. One common phrase I keep seeing is "mild cramps" ... Okay, so what would you consider to be mild?

"I can feel a little tinge, but it is honestly hardly even noticable."

"I'm definitely feeling some cramps, but I wouldn't need to slow down because of it. I don't need pain meds either. ... But I definitely feel them and they're a bit uncomfortable."

Or maybe something in between?

I know I should just hang tight and wait to see, but the suspense is killing me. I had the lightest of spotting yesterday and now I'm feeling a little crampy today.