Body comparing

I wish that my mind would stop comparing my body to those that are also pregnant around me. I have anxiety and other issues so I’m sure that doesn’t help. But I am currently 23 weeks and 1 day and have gained around 10-13 pounds (keeps fluctuating). I know that it is a completely healthy weight gain for how far along I am considering I’ve also being walking 2 miles every morning (Monday-Friday) for the past 5 weeks and will continue to do so. I also eat pretty healthy (ish..I make healthier decisions most of the time) throughout the week. BUT I still find myself feeling SO insecure. My chub rub is even worse than before, my face is so swollen I don’t want my picture ever taken, etc.

I think the hardest part for me is that I have a twin sister that is pregnant only one month behind me. We’ve always been the same body weight and type our whole lives, but with her pregnancy she’s not really seeing any weight gain. That is the hardest thing; trying not to compare my pregnancy body to that of my twin sister’s. It’s hard not to have low self-esteem and like my weight gain is out of control in comparison. I’m so thankful we both get to share in this awesome experience together, I just wish our bodies were staying similar like they always had 😔 anyone else having a difficult time accepting their knew bodies? I see other woman’s bodies on here and think they are so beautiful and wish that I could view mine in the same light.