Being induced because of Poly.

Niqi • Mom of 4

Has anyone had to be induced because they were diagnosed with Poly? My dr wants me to come in next week for a final ultrasound to see if they will keep me and begin labor out of fear that either my placenta will separate uterus or have a prolapsed cord due to so much fluid underneath baby’s head, basically making my waters bulging out making my cervix being to efface from the inside. My last kiddo’s labor was really fast (4 hours from start to finish) and traumatic and also he was 9 lbs 2.3 oz and my amniotic sac exploded open forcing baby into my birth canal, so they think this baby will be on the larger scale and follow suit. I’m kind of scared because I never had to be induced with meds before and not sure how my body will react and I am also not a good candidate for epidural meds either. So I will have to either get iv meds or go natural. I’ve done natural before but I never had to go natural with the synthetic contractions before and heard they can be brutal. I’m just hoping this will look different and I get to keep this kiddo in until my due date 7/21 😩😩 I’m just not mentally ready 😂😂