What would you do?

Okay ladies I’m feeling like I don’t know what to do at this point. In the beginning o my pregnancy I was seen by a couple of different midwives at an amazing birthing center who took great care of me through out my pregnancy. The owner even went so far as to give us a free appointment at the end of our care with them. I was last seen by them at 33 weeks pregnant. My husband and I moved from Washington state to Texas a few days after this appointment. My insurance at the time covered no where at all in Texas for me to be seen. I switched to Texas state insurance and was directed to a woman’s center finally at 36 weeks 5days pregnant. I called them and they told me to have my records transferred to them via fax with urgent on it since I’m so late in my pregnancy. For two and a half weeks I played phone tag with these people only to be told they can’t take me. They even made me wait the weekend to hear this. I’m currently 38 weeks 5 days right now and don’t know what to do to be seen. I’ve tried all of my options besides going into the er and asking them to give me a prenatal check up. I think I’m going to have to do this but there are many things stopping me. For one I don’t want them to feel the need to involve cps for lac of prenatal care. For two I’ve never really had to have a complete and total stranger be down in my lady bits. And I could keep going forever. I haven’t been tested for strep B and my midwives back in Washington wanted me to make sure I was before delivering my baby at home. I’m not big in doctors I never have been I’ve been as natural as possible this whole pregnancy and plan to for my birth as well. I’m just mostly concerned about being tested for strep b and knowing babies position but I feel that’s the silliest thing in the world to go to the er for when there might be someone who needs to be in the er and I’m taking up their time. This is all probably really silly sounding but I’m honestly at a loss. Should I go or not go?