anyone else like conan gray? + more fandom rant


i fucking love him sksksksk

i’ve never really get anyone else who’s into his videos or his music lol. i feel like i’m the one in my friend group who is into those small youtubers and finds all the good undiscovered artists and everyone else is like who tf is that i’m over here listening to lil nas x 😂

speaking of omg. i mean i was hella shooketh

but i’m hardcore shipping dan and phill after last week omg. i mean i’ve never watched them super frequently but i always shipped them together lol. i also love how phil’s is 7 minutes of memes and dan is so serious for 45 minutes.t his is just all the fandoms now omg i’m sorry 😂😂 sorry lmao this is like a slight rant lol.

i should stop here bahahah

oh but wait look at lil crazy hair tom hehehe this totally isn’t my lockscreen >:-3