Am I in the wrong?

Amélie • Seaweed🌎🌿

Okay I need a bit of outside perspective. So me and my boyfriend's mom used to be very close. When me and him first got together his relationship with his mom was very Shakey. As a kid she was not the greatest to him and his sister due to alcohol and the relationship was strained ever since. When we got together and it came time for me to meet her he told me she seemed different. She stopped drinking, was alot more level headed and happy to have us around. Eventually they got close and he moved in. Me and her got very close and she invited me over all the time, I would cook dinner for everyone and it was great. Fast forward a year and a half and now she starts becoming distant and moody with us. Eventually she tells me that I can either pay for groceries or give her money every month for food. I decided to just start buying my own food when I come over to avoid the mess all together. She was quiet but passive aggressive and then the cleaning became a problem and we stopped being allowed to cook after a certain time. I always would wash what I used and put what could go in the dishwasher in as well. So I was confused but guessed I missed some stuff. Now me and her don't talk very much and I'm pretty uncomfortable because she always seems mad at me. Tonight (2 1/2 years in) I made dinner and my boyfriend said He would do the dishes and he did. I'm sitting outside and she comes and gives me shit about the dishes. I had woken up later and made my boyfriend's lunch for work and had grabbed the container with leftovers from the fridge and had 2 containers and a fork in the sink and went out for a smoke before I came in to put them in the dishwasher and while I'm outside is when she came out and gave me crap about not cleaning and her not being able to do this anymore. She had her dishes in the sink and as far as I could tell all of our stuff was taken care of beside the 2 containers and fork I was about to go in and take care of. Now I only mentioned the drinking because when he moved in with her a little over two years ago she started allowing herself a little bit of beer. Today we think she has an alcohol problem again (I know she does because I've caught her putting beer in a coffee cup and going to drive to work or on her way home and stuff like that) he doesn't know because I was scared to stir the pot. So I was wondering if you guys thought that I am in the wrong and need to smarten up, because I really did think I was doing okay and I'm always pretty confused about what she's mad about. If I am I really want to know, but I feel like the outbursts and anger might be coming from her increasing alcohol intake. I'm just confused guys.. I miss being close with her and I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore.