
I was diagnosed with PCOS (blood test and transvaginal ultrasound confirmed it) , and due to high prolactin (29 when reg is at high of 23) was then told I needed an MRI (I’m cluster phobic so this was difficult) now I’m told I have a cyst in my pituitary gland and waiting on a referral to an endocrinologist.

I am so overwhelmed and just really want a baby! Today I start cycle 2 of clomid and progesterone but honestly feel like it’s not going to work if I have this cyst in my pituitary. I know I should be thinking positive but it’s hard to With thing after thing.

How is it so easy for some women to get pregnant and so hard for others. I feel like I would be an amazing mom and my husband is just such a great man and husband. It breaks my heart to not be able to give him a child. He is SO understanding and reassuring. I just really want that BFP!

Ok done venting! Anyone else want to vent?