Postpartum depression

I honestly think I’m fighting some sort of depression. I’m very emotional. I’m so all over the place. I actually am annoying myself. I am constantly sad about the way I look. I can’t even shower with the light on. I’m my same weight before pregnancy, but the stretch marks are bringing me down. I’m not sleeping or eating much because my newborn is being a handful. I am constantly worried about whether we will have enough stuff for the baby, if the baby is well, and then I get upset because I feel like I’m not producing enough milk so I’m literally feeding her then pumping and it’s so time consuming. Then my husband is really big on the house always being clean and dinner being ready. So I run around like a crazy person making sure to get it all done before he gets home. I also have two dogs to walk and care for and they are a handful. I actually gave my baby a bath today and cried because she pooped all over and j had to scrub our whole bathroom down. I feel like I’m failing as a mother and as a person. I am so tired and I wanted to ask my husband for help at night but everyone made me feel guilty for it saying he works, and I don’t do this is my job. I just don’t know how I’m suppose to function with no sleep constantly. I find myself crying more and more and then being happy then crying. It’s not that I don’t appreciate my husband but he doesn’t get home till 6:30 at night and I have his dinner ready and I clean up after him and I feel like I’m just doing it alone?? Even on the weekends he goes to the gym for hours or when we go places I’m the one always dealing with whatever crisis going on. I feel like I’m not appreciated. I use to be someone who would travel a lot for work, and always worked. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I don’t want to feel like a single mom? I wish my significant other would just at least plan a date or do something kind so I don’t feel so alone. I think it’s because I feel so bad about my looks and then just to be isolated is torture.