Nap help


Mamas... help. My LO has been protesting afternoon naps for about a week and a half now. His awake times seem to be lengthening, and even when I think he’s ready for a nap, he just screams nonstop in his crib. I’m thinking he’s ready for just one nap, but he wakes up BEFORE 5AM 😑 so there’s no way he can make it until late morning to nap. And his first nap really isn’t long enough to account for a full day of daytime sleep. He just started a leap and I think he may be getting molars (always something, right?!) so I’m sure that could be playing a role. This is wearing and stressing me out! His naps were so predictable for a while and now it’s a battle to get that second one. Also, when he has missed a nap, he’s usually still pleasant and happy, which makes me think he wants to go down to one. Any suggestions?? Helllllp