Sleep regression ? Growth spurt?

🌸 Holly 🌸 • frm London, mummy to Mila born 17/06/15 💕 and Leon born 12/10/17 💙 xxxxxx
My 15 week old nearly 4 month old was going to bed at 7pmish and doing a 5-7 hour stretch - bottle then a 3 hour stretch and another bottle through the night! It was bliss! Then all of a sudden last week she just starts to wake very 3 hours almost on the dot like when she was younger and down a bottle of milk!! We seem to have gone back a step - it's been going on for 2 weeks now WHHYYY?!
She knows her days from nights, she goes Down after her bedtime routine and she goes back to sleep after each bottle I know it could be much worse but I just wondered if anyone else's babies similar age did the same?