Losing weight whilst pregnant

Saffron • A little girl with dreams is a woman with vision ✨ CJS 15.11.2019💙

Just looking for some advice/guidance on the subject.

I’m currently 20weeks pregnant, I’ve lost 1st 2lb during my pregnancy and that’s been completely without trying.

I’ve spent years trying to lose weight, gym, diet and have failed but this pregnancy is continuing to make me lose it.

I was told a few weeks ago I had to stop losing weight by my midwife, but Ive been unable too..

I’m eating fatty foods daily, a big dairy & carb intake, and I only work part time.

My appitite has been amazing the last 2 weeks and I was adamant I had put weight on, I’ve honestly been such a piggy. But no, I’ve lost 3lb:(

Is there any health concerns with this? Is there any foods I can try to atleast maintain this weight? Baby is actually growing perfectly so I have no concerns there, just want to make sure I’m looking after myself too