thank God for fellow moms


Thank god for fellow moms

my son had his 4month check up.

I had to drop my husband off at work, and drive into town. we got there early. his check up was quick, he got his shots. but we couldn't go home yet. I wanted to drop some clothes off at Once Upon a Child, make the most of the trip into town. the estimated wait time was 3 hours. great....I really need the extra cash, and to get rid of these clothes. so I figured we'd have lunch, go to the mall, target, etc. it's just my 7 year old, 4 month old, and I.

its sunny and beautiful, until it isnt.

thunderstorm quickly moved in. I'm in the car, wondering whether or not I should drive somewhere and go inside, or wait it out in the car.

as were driving, I see a huge lightening strike, very close. it hit one of the vehicles up ahead. I was terrified. lightening hit all around. my stomach sank, I feared for our safety.

we drove to the once upon a child, and waited in the car. the storm is over, thank goodness.

my son was screaming. I tried to nurse him, it didnt help. he is in pain from his shots.

so I just decide to go for it. I dont even put him in the baby carrier like I normally do. I just carry him. hes crying non stop, inconsolable. I ask my 7 year old to open the door for us, and she slices her foot. 🤦‍♀️ are you kidding me right now. I see blood, so I know it's not just a tiny scratch. I'm trying to get my son to stop crying so that I can help my daughter. a store employee comes over and actually helps us. she cleans my daughters foot up, and make shifts a bandaid out of paper towel and tape. life saver! meanwhile, I'm trying to sit on the floor and nurse my son again, so he isnt crying. The woman who helped us, continues to help us. she carries my purse, and takes us to the back of the store, where there are benches. so I dont have to nurse on the floor. she told me "you're doing good, mama." I literally almost started crying. it had been a rough day, on top of being emotional and her kindness was soooo needed at that time. I will forever appreciate her for that. for helping us. for going above and beyond.

I need to be more like this woman. to go above and beyond. to make someone's day better. to offer words of encouragement.

I need to find out her name and tell her thank you, again.