First IUI today!

Lauren • RN 🩺 recurrent unexplained losses 💔 12.6.20 🌈👶🏻💙 FET baby girl born 11.4.22 💕✨ baby #3 EDD 8.17.24 💚

We finally had our first <a href="">IUI</a> today! It was super quick and I only had some very mild cramping when the catheter first went in (nothing compared to the HSG). I’m excited, but not getting my hopes up since I know there’s a relatively low rate of success the first time around (if at all!). That being said, our issue is solely mild male factor (I ovulate perfectly regularly on my own and all my numbers are consistently GREAT without any help, but this was a medicated cycle with Femara and we triggered too), and we had 13 million swimmers at 100% motility post-wash. I had one big, beautiful follicle and a smaller one that probably didn’t catch up (I don’t think the Femara did anything for me, but when we initially wanted to start <a href="">IUI</a> in March and tried Clomid, I went INSANE) and my lining is perfect too. So even if this doesn’t work, I know we gave it our all, and that WE WILL HAVE SUCCESS AT ONE POINT. 💕💕💕🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼