They were in the wrong, right?


So this is kind of a long story but, I was visiting some family in Illinois and we decided to drive to Indiana Beach for a couple of days. So the first day we were there, I went on this swing ride and it was old and went pretty fast, and it was high up. And this lady was like swinging back and forth. This was worrisome for me because she almost ran into me a few times. And I looked back at my brother like wtf is she doing this is stressing me out I don’t want her to run into me. So I asked her if she could please stop. No response or acknowledgement, just kept doing it. I have anxiety problems so this was really really stressing me out, and she really wasn’t being safe. So I asked her again if she could please stop swinging back and forth because I didn’t want her to run into me. Again no response, and she continued to do it more, and she did it to where she was super close to me. So I said to my brother,“ I don’t know what to do she’s gonna hit me.” Then she turns around and says “Can you shut the F*CK up??!”

And I was so mad but I kept my cool. So I said, “I asked you multiple times if you could stop because you’re not being safe. So how about you have some respect.” And she told me to F*ck off. When the ride was ending, the momentum caused her to run into me and it hurt my knees really bad, but she couldn’t have cared less. So I got off and she gave me the dirtiest look ever, and we just walked away before things escalated, because my older brother was REALLY mad. And when I was walking to go find my parents, I was shaking from the adrenaline and had a panic attack that started on the ride. I’m 14 and this was a grown woman, with a child.

Was how I responded ok? I didn’t want to stoop to her level, so that’s why I responded the way that I did.