Not sure if I’ve felt movement yet.


I’m 17+1 and I know this is super common, but I feel nervous sometimes because I don’t know if I’ve actually felt the baby moving yet. I wish I could just jump to 19 weeks so that I can go to my anatomy scan already.

Edit: After posting this, I decided to tell my husband I feel anxious rather than keep it inside. My husband supported the idea of getting that Sonoline B home doppler with two day shipping. I now feel better knowing it’ll be here this week. It’s better than feeling tempted to schedule an expensive private ultrasound within two weeks of my anatomy scan. 😬

My anxiety hasn’t been THAT bad as a general whole, but I admit that I’m not so calm on the inside as of the past week. Not feeling the baby yet makes me feel like there’s something wrong because so many people seem to have already felt their little one. :(